Mellow Flow

⏳ 60

A full body and mindful slower flow through a variety of fundamental postures (asanas) while adapting to Ujjayai breath and intention. Sequences and transitions are designed to be mentally and sometimes physically challenging yet personally pleasing. Modifications are offered for all levels and working within any physical limitations. The pause between poses is weaved into each practice. Props such as blocks or a strap may be helpful. All levels.

Let’s call this class the peaceful warrior.


Mellow Slow Flow

⏳ 60 (Tuesday Mornings)

A gentler class promotes the balance of working with “effort and ease” with more resting moments. Practice basic poses with breath and movement all while developing body awareness to honour physical limitations. Suitable for injury-recovery or Yogis with achy knees, hips or lower back from day-to-day living, play or just simple ageing parts. Props such as blocks, strap or even an optional chair may be helpful. All levels.

Let’s call this class the wounded warrior.


The Vibrant Flow

⏳ 60

An energetic vinyasa flow practice with emphasis on more vigorous sequencing, peak poses and pranayama. Various arm balances and inversions will be weaved into the flow to build more heat, vim and vigour. This practice may challenge your body and mind and may even move you towards your edge if you so desire. However, keep in mind the importance of the pause between poses and a playful mindset. A sound yoga practice is recommended for this class.  

Let’s call this class the lively warrior.


Yoga with light weights

⏳ 45

It’s like multitasking in a yoga practice! This practice is quick and effective and in time will make you more flexible, more bendable and strong all over! Get the heart rate up, work the core which is the anchor to a healthy spine, get stronger with better balance .... dare I say it? As we age..... gracefully with a super positive state of mind. All levels with an open mind and open heart.

Let’s call this class the strong warrior.