Looking to purchase a β€œbundle” for yourself or for a yoga bestie?

There are 4 Bundles to choose from .... pick the one you’d like to use for your own practice schedule. Or pick the bundle that would be best suited for your yogi friend. Follow the steps .... it’s easy peasy!

Looking for a custom gift bundle?
Contact us: πŸ’Œ

all prices in CAD, no expiry date

to purchase and send as a gift:

  1. choose your bundle and click PURCHASE

  2. input your information at checkout

  3. you will receive a confirmation email

  4. in the email, click View Gift Certificate

  5. click EMAIL to send the gift to the lucky recipient

6 Mellow Flow Classes

subtotal: $78.00

HST: $10.14

total: $88.14

4 Mellow Flow Classes

2 Vibrant Flow Classes

subtotal: $78.00

HST: $10.14

total: $88.14

6 Vibrant Flow Classes

subtotal: $78.00

taxes: $10.14

total: $88.14

2 Mellow Flow Classes

2 Vibrant Flow Classes

2 Warrior Flow Classes

subtotal: $78.00

taxes: $10.14

total: $88.14