Adagio Flow: Full Moon Sadhana
😌 mellow, relaxing, yummy // Nicky // 40 mins. // spotify 🎵
Recorded live on the morning of the super blue blood moon - this sādhanā presents an opportunity for a slower, calmer flowing practice. Move slowly through crescent moon shapes, curvy heart openers, graceful transitions and meditative holds in some deeper hip and leg stretches. Close your practice with viparīta karaṇī - now commonly known as legs up the wall posture, but originally referred to as the “great inverter” a way of inverting the energy of the body so that the soothing lunar energy said to be stored in the crown can be preserved.
Props Required: A selection of comfortable supports for legs up the wall posture. At minimum you’ll need access to a wall, deluxe variations may include using blankets, cushions, yoga straps, and eye pillow.