The 45: Air, Light, Time and Space
🙂 // accessible, balanced, engaging // 45 min. // Nicky
Ponder a poem by Charles Bukowski called Air and Light and Time and Space. Consider what are the necessary requirements for building and maintaining your own creative practice. Perhaps participating in a regular spiritual practice or yoga class needs to be undertaken in the absence of these perfect conditions? Maybe that is when the yoga is most needed and more likely to actually work?
At 4:33 the movement practice starts, and you’ll need a theraband (stretchy band) and a slider for the warm-up portion. Savasana today in your own time. We’ve opened comments on our classes this month, so please feel free to leave us a note or a reflection on the poem ….
”– you know, I’ve either had a family, a job,
something has always been in the
but now
I’ve sold my house, I’ve found this
place, a large studio, you should see the space and
the light.
for the first time in my life I’m going to have
a place and the time to
create.”no baby, if you’re going to create
you’re going to create whether you work 16 hours a day in a coal mine
you’re going to create in a small room with 3 children
while you’re on
you’re going to create with part of your mind and your
body blown
you’re going to create blind
you’re going to create with a cat crawling up your
back while
the whole city trembles in earthquake, bombardment,
flood and, air and light and time and space
have nothing to do with it
and don’t create anything
except maybe a longer life to find
new excuses
~ Charles Bukowski, from The Last Night of the Earth Poems