Yoga for Insomnia: Restless Legs


😌 mellow, relaxing, yummy // 60 min. // YuMee

Do you have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep? Is your quality of sleep an issue? Do sleepless nights leave you feeling fatigued, frustrated, overly sensitive, and fuzzy-headed? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. In this mellow class we approach the movement towards sleep as a practice. You will unwind muscular tension, release stress and soothe the senses using the tools of movement, self-massage, breath exercises, and intention. This particular class focuses on restless legs. Do it before bed or in the middle of the night. Props: massage balls, bolster (or cushion), a few bath towels, blanket
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Vinyasa: Live Laugh Lunge


Vira Vinyasa: Body and Breath