Knead and Nurture: Love Connection
😌 mellow, relaxing, yummy // 44-60 min. // YuMee
The word yoga means "union" and the practices of yoga can be understood as a potent remedy for the disease of disconnection from self, others, and the earth. This heart-centred class gently gets the blood flowing and creatively coaxes more space and ease into the chest, upper back and shoulders. Learn how to don a posture improving strap jacket and explore two delicious ways to traction the spine. This practice includes my new favourite multi-tasking sun salutation variation and lots of creative block work. Props: blocks, strap, towel, and a bolster or pillow)
Short on time? Skip ahead to the portion of the practice you are interested in:
1. Intro, body brushing, thymus thump & strap jacket: 00:00
2. Heart opening exercises: 17:36